
sites aligned in one data store


productivity increase on reporting tasks


increase in aftersales


The Challenge

An automotive company wanted to improve their understanding of their customer base to: allow them to be more efficient with their marketing spend; and build better long-term relationships with their customers. They struggled to do this internally, as their data was spread across multiple systems, each using different database types, which was also a burden on their reporting processes.


Our Impact

We designed and hosted a data warehouse that brought together all their data in one place, giving a strong foundation for building reporting and analytics capabilities. After a thorough Data Quality analysis, we then performed Data Science projects to identify the perfect time to get back in touch with previous customers, as well as customers who would be excited to hear about the release of new models. We also developed a number of reporting automations, reducing the strain on staff to deliver these reports and improving their confidence in the figures.

Your future awaits

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